Ideone is an online compiler
and debugging tool which allows you to
compile and execute source code
in more than 60 programming languages.
Online gdb
GDB online is an online compiler and
debugger tool for C, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby,
C#, VB, Perl, Swift, Prolog, Pascal, HTML,
CSS, JS. Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world.
Sumita Arora (Python)
This book provides a complete overview of the principles of computer
science. The diagrams, theory descriptions to mathematical deductions,
and practice tasks make the chapters easy and interesting for the students.
Click here to download the book
Let us C++
C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It can be used to develop operating systems,
browsers, games etc. C++ supports different ways of programming like procedural, object-oriented, functional,
and so on. Click here to download the book.
W3Schools is an educational website for learning coding online,
with most of the languages covered including web development.
It is optimized for easy learning, testing, and training.
Do check it out !
LearnCpp is a free website devoted to teaching you how to program in C++.
Whether you’ve had any prior programming experience or not, the tutorials on this site will walk you
through all the steps to write, compile, and debug your C++ programs, all with plenty of examples.
Web Development
Complete Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu, the only course you need to learn to code and become a
full-stack web developer. With 150,000+ ratings and a 4.8 average, this Web Development course is one of the
HIGHEST RATED courses in Udemy! Click
here to go to the course page.
Data Structures/Algorithms
You may be new to Data Structure or you have already Studied and Implemented it but
still you feel you need to learn more about Data Structure in detail so that it helps you solve challenging problems
and used it efficiently.Click
here to go to the course page.